Conditions of Hire – effective from 1st July 2009
Kingskerswell Village Hall is a Charity (RCN 1080516)
Hall means all or any part of Kingskerswell Village Hall, including the toilets and kitchen and grounds
Hirer means an individual hirer or the authorised representative of an organisation hiring the Hall
Responsibility for the Hall, Contents and Equipment and for the Grounds (insofar as the Hirer can reasonably be expected to have control in respect thereof), and for the behaviour of the persons using the Hall during the Hire Period, rests with the Hirer during the agreed period of hire and for the Key for the entire period which it is held by the Hirer.
The Hire Period must include setting-up and cleaning-up time. The Hall must be vacated at the end of the Hire Period, and the Hall and its Grounds must be left clean and tidy. All Equipment used during the Hire Period must be cleaned and tidied away. All rubbish must be removed. Additional charges may be made if the hire period is exceeded or if the Hall and its Grounds are left in an unclean or untidy state.
The stage area and all and any equipment on or about the stage are not included in the general hire of the Hall. The stage and stage equipment should not be used for any purpose unless specifically arranged with the booking secretary in advance, where further conditions and extra charges may apply. The stage curtains are to remain closed throughout all periods of general hire and the Hirer must ensure no-one uses or accesses the stage area for any purpose.
The Hirer shall not sub-let the Hall or use the Hall for any unlawful or immoral purpose. The Hirer shall not do or allow anything to be done at, on or to the Hall which is unlawful or which may endanger the Hall or any persons at the Hall.
Alcohol is not to be consumed on any part of the Hall without the prior written consent of the Committee and, where appropriate, subject to Condition 6.
If the Hirer intends to sell alcohol or ticket prices include the provision of alcohol, the Hirer will be responsible for obtaining the requisite licence (known as a TENS Licence) and complying with the provisions of thatlicence. Please note there are only 12 TENS licenses available for the Hall each year. A copy of the licence must be produced to the Booking Secretary at least 48 hours prior to the Hire Date.STRICTLY NO LICENCE NO HIRE
No chairs, tables or other Hall Equipment must be taken outside of the Hall without the prior written consent of the Committee or the Booking Secretary.
No animals or birds are to be brought into the Hall (except guide dogs), other than for any special event which has the prior written consent of the Committee. Under no circumstances are animals to be allowed into the kitchen at any time.
No fireworks or other combustible or inflammable goods are to be brought into the Hall or ignited in the Grounds.
No portable heaters or gas fired equipment or appliances are to be brought into or used at the Hall.
Nothing is to be fixed to the walls of the Hall with any Adhesive Tapes, Drawing Pins, Tacks or Staples. Please use HOOKS provided.
Any electrical apparatus brought in and used at the Hall must be safe and in good working order and must be used in a safe manner and by a responsible adult.
No apparatus or equipment, electrical or otherwise, can be left at the Hall without the prior written consent of the Committee or the Booking Secretary.
The Hirer shall reimburse the Committee for the cost of any breakages or damage to the Hall, Contents and Equipment.
Public Liability Insurance for non-commercial events or those organised by non-profit making organisations is included in the Hire Fee.
The Committee accepts no liability for any items brought into or left at the Hall (whether or not permission has been given for the same). Hirers must ensure they have proper insurance for loss or damage howsoever caused to any equipment brought into and used and/or left at the Hall.
The Hall holds a Premises Licence for music, dancing, plays and indoor sports and also a Performing Rights Society Licence.
The cost of heating, lighting and electricity is included in the Hire Fee, but the Committee reserves the right to charge an additional fee where electrical appliances such as disco equipment or stage lighting are used.
Please ensure all lighting and heating is turned off and the windows and doors secured upon leaving the Hall at the end of a Hire Period. A charge may be made in the event that these matters are not attended to.
Fire Exits must be kept clear at all times. Fire Extinguishers must not be removed from their proper positions except in the event of legitimate use.
The Hirer must nominate a competent person to take charge in case of fire to ensure that all persons can exit the Hall unimpeded through the Fire Exits and to assemble in the nominated area/s. A notice of ‘What to do in the Event of a Fire’ is displayed in the Hall.
All accidents and incidents at the Hall are to be reported to the Booking Secretary as soon as is reasonably practical after the event. Accidents should be recorded in the Accident Book located in the Hall near the kitchen door.
The Hirer shall ensure that any activities for children under eight years of age comply with the provisions of the Children Act 1989 and that only fit and proper persons have access to the children.
The Committee reserves the right to raise a charge for cancelled bookings. The full cost of hire will be charged where less than 24 hours notice of cancellation is received.
The Committee reserves the right to cancel bookings for deemed breaches of these conditions or if the Hall is unfit for the purpose of hire, or in such other circumstances as it sees fit. No payment of compensation for loss of hire will be made.
The Hall is available for hire from 7.30am until 12.00 midnight, seven days a week. The minimum hire period is half an hour and hire is charged in half hourly increments.
Hire fees - £5.50 per hour (minimum charge £2.75)